Cooma Diesel Service 60 Years Of Dedication And Excellance In All Diesel Fuel Systems And Turbo Chargers.
ACM caught up with the team at Cooma Diesel and Turbo.
Cooma Diesel and Turbo originated in Cooma NSW as part of the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme in the late 1950s. They moved to Canberra in the late 1990s due to their involvement with research and development for major vehicle manufacturers and Denso.
Cooma Diesel and Turbo supplies remanufactured and new fuel injection parts to the trade – pumps, rails and injectors, Turbo Chargers and assist repairers with specialist diagnosis, fault analysis as well as repair tips and training to make sure their job goes smoothly.
Before Coronavirus, they held regular training days for qualified automotive technicians and they are currently working with the Canberra Institute of Technology and the MTA-ACT to provide accredited specialised training post Coronavirus.
Cooma Diesel Service was the first fuel injection facility in Australia to work on Denso Common Rail Diesel’s for the first five years, doing all warranty repairs and reporting to the manufacturer – their repair facilities are considered one of the most advanced in Asia Pacific. In addition they also have a specialised Turbo Chargers repair facility.
They have maintained their presence and tooling to the latest specs. While they are a Denso Certified Repairer, they work on and carry stock for all other fuel injection and Turbo brands. They only sell genuine parts, but they are able to sell to the trade at very competitive prices due to their expertise in this industry.
The company provides diagnosis assistance, parts and repairs for all diesel fuel system repairs from antique vehicles, modern cars and 4WDs through to commercial vehicles and plant.
Cooma Diesel Service Provides:
- All diesel and Common Rail diagnosis
- All diesel and Common rail fuel injector testing
- All diesel and Common Rail fuel pump and injector repairs
- All diesel and Common Rail contamination repairs
- All diesel and Common Rail sales and service at competitive prices (Denso, Bosch, Delphi, Siemens)
- Diesel fuel injection repairs on all mechanical and electronic fuel pumps and injectors
- Turbocharger repair and sales at competitive prices (Garrett, Holset, IHI, Borgwarner, Schwitzer)
- They provide these services to all areas of Australia
- They also have a network of exceptional diesel repairers who can assist repairers with other repair issues concerning diesels
Cooma Diesel doesn’t just sell parts to the trade, they assist repairers with technical advice and support until the job is successfully completed.
Call Cooma Diesel 1800 637 322
For more information visit