On The Cover

Australian Car Mechanic #78 is out now!

Welcome to summer, mechanics.

There’s nothing quite like an Aussie summer no matter where in this vast nation you reside.

It’s a chance to look back on the year that was, and look forward to the year ahead.

We’re all older – and maybe a bit wiser – in many ways, making it a satisfying season to take it all in.

Speaking of recharging the batteries, that’s one thing we look on sharply in this edition of Australian Car Mechanic.


Being the vehicular luddite I am, I once allowed my battery to die while I was watching the footy and waiting for the Prahan Market to open.

The distinct sputtering and twitching the engine gives off at the twist of the key is a sign you’ve pushed your luck a quarter too far.

SEE MORE: Car news

Thankfully my resident roadside assist team were there to give me looks of (well-deserved) patronising pity.

Batteries – if you look after them right – will tolerate all the pressure you put them under.

As well as all the cutting-edge products in the battery space, we also want mechanics to cool down where they can.

I of course mean this literally, as we’ll feature some of the more interesting innovations in cooling/coolant auto world.

Tired of the summer metaphors yet?

You may need to brighten up – that’s why this edition of Australian Car Mechanic will also check out some of the more interesting lighting products hitting the national market.

Okay, I promise I’m done.

Electric vehicles are on the up and up, whether we like it or not. Contributing writer Iain Curry takes a new Hyundai EV for a spin, and tells us why it’s got the juice to go toe-to-toe with some of the top sports cars around.


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