Additives, Fluid accessories, Vehicle solutions

Australian inventions protecting diesel fuel systems

Responsive Engineering is a small company based in Canberra that has spent many years designing and perfecting Australian inventions that protect diesel fuel systems in vehicles commonly found in Australia.

Compared to older technology diesel fuel systems the common rail diesel suffers more from fuel quality issues due to their precision, high-performance engines, high fuel pressures and high operating temperatures than ever before and are unforgiving when it comes to any type of fuel contamination.

SEE MORE: Car news

Even a very small amount of water or particles may wreck the main components such as pumps, injectors, and rails in a fuel system. They’re often non-repairable and can cause catastrophic damage to your diesel vehicle.

With diesel Fuel contamination being one of the biggest issues that vehicle owners seem to have to deal with – and being a very expensive issue to resolve, this has become a focus for the company. Responsive Engineering’s three main products are the Diesel Water Watch, a unique and sophisticated water trap with an alarm system, designed to detect water in the diesel fuel system, Diesel Fill – which prevents miss-fuelling and Responsive Diesel Fuel lubricant and conditioner.

Image: Responsive Engineering

Diesel Water Watch is an Australian invention that was designed specifically for Common Rail Diesel vehicles where it can effectively detect and remove dispersed and free water at high flow rates from the fuel. While most units are sold for 4WD and light commercial vehicles, Responsive Engineering’s units can be found on diesel fuel systems used in marine, commercial and industrial applications as well.

The most important feature of the Diesel Water Watch is that it causes no restriction in high-pressure Common Rail fuel systems – unlike the addition of aftermarket filters. And Diesel Water Watch is proudly registered as a Made in Australia product.

While Diesel Water Watch will remove and hold most contaminants found in the fuel Diesel Water Watch is only set to alarm when water is found.  For this reason, the Diesel Water Watch has a clear bowl allowing you to monitor your fuel quality and enable you to empty out the contaminants trapped in the bowl.  It is important to keep in mind that while fuel filters on modern vehicles are very sophisticated, they are primarily designed to remove particles and they are designed to alarm when there is a restriction in the system – not when there is water in your fuel.  And that is why – even in older diesel fuel systems manufacturers ran both a fuel filter and a water trap.

Common Rail Diesel vehicles need specifically designed fuel additives

Most mechanically minded diesel vehicle owners have tried a variety of fuel additives, often purchased at service stations or automotive supermarkets. And justifiably, there’s always been a lot of scepticism surrounding the use of fuel and oil additives because the sales pitch and advertising on these additives often make claims that they simply don’t deliver on, leaving the vehicle owners disillusioned about their effectiveness.

Common Rail Diesel engines have been developed to meet modern emission standards, and diesel fuel Sulphur has been reduced for the same reason. But low Sulphur fuel happens to compound another problem…lubricity! At a time when pumps and injectors rely even more on diesel fuel for lubrication, it has been reduced in the fuel.

Responsive Engineering has developed and produced here in Australia; a fuel additive specifically designed to keep Common Rail Diesels performing like new.  We’ve designed the dispensing bottle to fit into the door pocket so it’s always in the vehicle (not sitting in the garage at home) and the concentrated formula of 150ml will treat up to 1200 litres of fuel.

Responsive Diesel Fuel Lubricant and Conditioner protects your diesel fuel system by coating the components with a powerful nanoparticle lubricant providing an anti-corrosion barrier to water and particles while lubricating moving parts protecting diesel fuel pumps, injectors, and all fuel system components.  It also has an anti-bacterial biocide in the formula to protect the whole fuel system from microbial growth.

Responsive Fuel Additive does not contain hygroscopic dispersants which are often found in fuel lubricants, especially the ones that claim they chemically remove water – which is not possible. The dispersants make the water particles combine with the fuel making it less visible. Because the water particles are smaller but still in the fuel, it flows through filters and water detection units more easily – which causes the same catastrophic damage in diesel vehicles as it would have before the dispersant was used. Responsive Fuel Additive can quieten noisy injectors, reduce emissions, and improve fuel consumption and the overall performance of your vehicle.  Because it is a specialised product, it’s only available from specialised diesel repairers or direct from the manufacturer – Responsive Engineering.

Solution for Diesel Mis-fuelling?

The Diesel Fill physically prevents you from filling your vehicle with the wrong fuel.

The prime reason for misfuelling is that the diesel pump filler nozzle is larger than the petrol nozzle. So, any sized nozzle or any form of filler can be inserted into the filler neck of your diesel vehicle.

Diesel Fill’s locking system will only open when a diesel filler nozzle is inserted. This nozzle has the exact dimensions that will unlock Diesel Fill. Diesel Fill prevents any access to the fuel tank either to put fuel in or out without the correct nozzle providing extra security, but with the special locking tool provided with the fuel cap system, the Diesel Fill can be quickly and easily removed or replaced should the need arise.  We have designed Diesel Fill’s cap to be a low profile to match the original fuel cap found on the vehicle, ensuring that the fuel filler door will close without obstruction.

Unlike many similar products available – Diesel Fill has been thoroughly tested to ensure that the materials used cannot cause spark or flame, it is robust to ensure long-term durability and that the design fits and operates correctly on as many vehicles as possible found in the Australian Market.

For more information on Diesel Water Watch visit here.

To find out all about their full range of products, call Responsive Engineering on (02) 6280 4334 or email

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