There are many uses for scan tools in the automotive workshop, from serious diagnosis to simple fault code checking, fault code erasing and service item resets.
There are so many scan tools on the market it can be hard to judge just which type suits your needs.
The Autel MaxiDiag MD808 Pro fits into the category of a triage scan tool in the big scheme of diagnostics. It is small with easy to use menu features and a colour screen. The tough outer casing makes it suitable for workshop life and it powers up from the OBD II port on the vehicle. The desktop function Maxi PC Suite allows you to access various features of the scan tool such as printing faults codes and updating the tool. The MaxiDiag MD808 Pro is free to update online after you have logged into the Autel website and registered the product.
The service menu functions include oil reset, Electronic park brake reset, as well as DPF, steering angle sensor and battery management resets which is handy as the menu is quick and easy to use and, in most cases, automatically communicates with the vehicle. The MaxiDiag MD808 Pro also displays the manual reset option if you would rather do it yourself. The service menu functions include oil reset, Electronic park brake reset, as well as DPF, steering angle sensor and battery management resets which is handy as the menu is quick and easy to use and, in most cases, automatically communicates with the vehicle. The MaxiDiag MD808 Pro also displays the manual reset option if you would rather do it yourself.
The MaxiDiag MD808 Pro does provide an auto scan function and OBDii capability, although when it comes to diagnosis it unfortunately suffers like most scan tools from a lack of vehicle coverage when it comes to certain functions, as the software updates do favour the American / European markets.
During our test on a KDJ120 Toyota Prado we were unable to access the engine control unit to check some live data and the OBDII PID selection was limited. We also were unable to carry out a DPF regeneration on a 2012 Subaru Forester. However, we were able to reset the engine oil value on the Subaru, so hopefully in time the software updates will become available that more widely suit the Australian market.
The MaxiDiag MD808 Pro is a small yet functional scan tool that would suit any workshop that needs to check and erase fault codes, carry out some basic diagnosis and service item resets.
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