Get ready for digital certificates and reminders.
The Motor Traders’ Association of NSW (MTA NSW) has been invited to be a key stakeholder involved in the trial of a Digital Vehicle Registration service for the industry and will be reporting key findings to Service NSW and Transport for NSW.
The trialling of this Digital Vehicle Registration service is designed to provide vehicle registration documents to customers electronically, instead of in the post.
This trial is similar to the MTA NSW involvement with the successful implementation and launch of the Digital Drivers Licence within NSW in 2018-2019.
The Association would suggest that businesses and consumers get ready for the introduction of digital certificates and reminders. This initial Digital Vehicle Registration program will be rolled out to 2,000 volunteer customers, upon their registration renewal, to opt into this trial in NSW. Eligible customers will be invited to opt into the trial to access their digital Certificate of Registration through their MyServiceNSW Account. Your business and or your customers will also be sent renewal reminders through their MyServiceNSW Account and by email.
If your business or organisation uses paper certificates, please check out the new-look digital version.
The digital Certificate of Registration can be used for all the same purposes as the paper certificate. Unlike paper certificates, digital certificates do not contain a notice of disposal or a transfer application. Instead, customers are encouraged to submit these online. Alternatively, paper forms can be downloaded and printed from the Service NSW website or can be done at a Service NSW location.
For more information about the Digital Vehicle Registration trial, please visit Service NSW.
MTA NSW will update the industry when the trial is complete, and when the digital Certificate of Registration will be launched state-wide. NSW residents can look forward to benefiting from faster and easier vehicle registration and renewals.
To stay updated with all the automotive regulatory products, visit or contact MTA NSW on tel. (02) 9016 9000 and ask for the online shop department.