Enviro Box is the solution to save money, space and time.
Since its launch in April this year, the Enviro BoxTM has been embraced by mechanics Australia-wide. Research has shown that the reasons for the successful uptake include money saved on waste removal, the reduction in landfill waste and the way the Enviro BoxTM stands aide in the effective organization of workshops.
The Enviro BoxTM is a robust plastic bladder, encased in a sturdy, non-waxed cardboard box. The product is dispensed via a tap, like a wine cask.
Tony from Indy Automotive Repairs in Moorabbin, VIC, is delighted with Enviro BoxTM. “This product is fantastic! We had to empty our general waste bin every week or so due to the amount of empty 20L plastic containers we were throwing out. To empty that bin, it costs me $75. Now with Enviro BoxTM, the box is crushed and put into the recycle bin. It takes me about 6-8 weeks to fill that one and costs me $6 to empty!”
Toby Dymond, General Manager Sales and Marketing, says “Penrite is the first Australian owned and manufactured company to develop and distribute a solution to the plastic packaging for lubricants. Each Penrite Enviro BoxTM used will result in an 85 per cent reduction in landfill waste compared to a 20L plastic drum.”
Did you know that you can use the Enviro BoxTM to re – fill a 60 litre drum? That’s right! To further reduce cost and clutter in your workshop, the contents of an Enviro BoxTM can be decantated into an empty 60 litre drum, thereby eliminating the need to order another 60 liter drum.
The benefits are:
- Eliminate the expensive cost of disposing of a 60 liter drum by making it reusable
- Reduce inventory holdings by ordering an Enviro BoxTM to top up , rather than replacing a whole 60 litre drum
- Avoid having to move a pump from one 60 litre to another mid service by simply re – filling the existing drum
The Enviro BoxTM nozzle screws onto the Enviro BoxTM bladder and decants in just 45 seconds. All you need is:
- A Penrite 60 litre drum that is a least 50 per cent empty (i.e. has less than 30litres left)
- The same matching 20 litre Enviro BoxTM product
- An Enviro BoxTM Nozzle
The Enviro BoxTM range has expanded further to include Penrite’s best-selling products, which have been in high demand to be available in the Enviro BoxTM packaging since the concept’s release.
The Enviro BoxTM range now includes the following engine oils
- HPR: HPR 5 5W-40, HPR DIESEL 5 5W-40, HPR DIESEL 10 10W-40
- ENVIRO +: ENVIRO+ 5W–20, ENVIRO+ 5W-30, ENVIRO+ 5W-40, ENVIRO+ C-2 0W-30, ENVIRO+ C-4 5W 30, ENVIRO+ DL-1 5W-30, ENVIRO+ GF-5 5W-30
- ENGINE OILS: Full Sythentic 5W-30, PRO EXTRA 10W-40
In addition, the following products are also available in Enviro BoxTM:
- Coolants: 350,000KM Green Concentrate, 7YR/450,000KM Green Concentrate, 8YR/500,000KM Red Concentrate
- Additives: Raditator Flush, Engine Flush
- ATF and Gear Oils: ATF MHP Multi Vehicle, ATF Full Synthetic Multi Vehicle, Gear OIL 80W-90, Pro Gear GL-5 75W-85, Pro Gear 75W-90, Trans Gear 75W-90
- Brake Fluids: DOT 3 Brake Fluid, SUPER DOT 4 Brake Fluid
- Industrial: Indus Pro Hydraulic ISO 68
“The range will expand again soon,” says Mr. Dymond, “to cater for the growing demand in this new packaging. Penrite again leads the way, not only in quality product and superior customer service, but also packaging innovation.”