Leading the way from diesel mechanic to Snap-on franchise business owner.
Snap-on is an iconic brand within the automotive industry, but relatively unknown is that Snap-on also offers an attractive franchise opportunity for anyone with the right attitude and wants to step up towards becoming a business owner. New Snap-on franchisee Emma Courtney provided som insight into her experience, transitioning from being on the tools to becoming a Snap-on franchisee. Emma became a heavy diesel fitter in 2012 and was a die-hard Snap-on customer; as proven by her Snap-on tattoo! Being around tools, trucks and cars is what grew her love for Snap-on. “I never thought about starting my own business beforethis, but this was one of those opportunities that jumped out to me, it gave me the chance to change from being employed by someone else, to being my own boss. It really has given me a sense of pride and achievement,” said Emma.
“When I began researching the opportunity, I already knew that Snap-on was celebrating its 100th year anniversary and has beaten everything thrown at it over the last century, so I was pretty confident in the brand and from my trade life, I already knew how good the tools were. So when researching this opportunity I focused more on the business side, I spoke with other franchisees and people inside the business. Everyone was very transparent and gave me a lot of information and insight”. “At first it was really daunting, but I’m really glad that I made the jump. It feels good helping customers and it is rewarding when they tell me that their favourite part of the week is when the Snap-on truck arrives. That’s one of the best things about it – it’s how much people love the brand”. “What has surprised me is the relationship and support from the franchisor, they really care about your success. Compared to other franchises it’s great; you don’t have to pay royalties, advertising or anything like that. Plus all the marketing is done, promotions are done, you don’t need to cold call – Everything is ready so you can run a successful business”. “The support has been great, I received 2 weeks training via Zoom due to COVID- 19. Since being on the road, I get regular check-ups and visits from Snap-on, they congratulate me if I have a good day, or call to see how I am going if I have a slow day. No matter what is happening the support is there, plus I know I can call any other franchisee for help”. “The advice I would have for anyone considering joining Snap-on is to go on a ride-along and talk to a franchisee to get a feel for the business. The key to your success is your attitude. You have to be 100 per cent committed and regardless of how much sell, you still need to turn up the next day to help customers”.
For more information about the Snap-on franchise opportunity visit: snaponfranchise.com.au