Another Aussie invention to improve the Aussie Ute.
Back in the 1930s it was said that Lew Brandt, a young Ford designer, thought up the first Aussie ute. Now another Aussie has come up with a solution for simply and securely tying down loads in a ute, tray truck or trailer where the sides can be dropped.
The basic method for tying down loads in a ute (or trailer) has been to go over the sides and fix the straps to some point on the body work. Finding a secure place can be difficult and the strapping can bend light materials such as aluminium as is commonly used in utility trays.
Gear-X Ute Removable Anchor Points can be used on all trays where sides can be dropped. You put the anchors in place and close the tray sides to secure them, then pass strapping through the eyes to tie the load down. If heavy duty double hook ratchet straps are used, it is necessary to place the hook through the eye of the anchor point before attaching it to the side of the ute or truck.
Every load is different and with Gear-X Ute Removable Anchor Points anchor points it’s easy to place the anchor exactly where you need it. Permanent anchor points do not allow for this, plus once permanent anchor points are installed in many cases they are at risk of getting in the way.
These simple but effective Gear-X removable anchors are new to the market and easily fitted and removed without any damage to either the vehicle or load.
Gear-X Ute Removable Anchor Points suit most trays with 80mm side rails and are available to purchase in packs of four.
Gear-X is an HPP Lunds brands which is a wholly owned Australian company, the Gear-X Ute Removable Anchor Points are designed and made in Australia.
For info visit or give Ben Leonard a call on (07) 3722 1111.