Automotive car products, Injectors, Vehicle solutions

Guide to injector removal kits

Injector removal

Specialist Tools Australia is all about diesel vehicle issues, and solutions. Our technicians have been working on diesel vehicles – specifically the fuel system for the last 50 years. These days it’s common rail vehicles. This is a whole new ball game. Everything from European to Asian technology, which are both so vastly different, Specialist Tools Australia has seen it all.  So, if you have a question, phone them and talk to an experienced technician who has most likely already had the same issue.

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But all repairers just see an issue and want a simple solution.  The right tool for the job can make the difference between a profit or loss. Specialist Tools Australia is a small business and know how challenging it can be.

Diagnosis is the first line of defence.  If you can show your customer why you are replacing parts, you’re all good.  Without it, if the outcome isn’t up to speed – you can be in trouble.  Testing and replacement of components has a cost.

That’s where experience counts, and Specialist Tools Australia’s technicians are more than happy to help you out. They have seen almost every issue and had to work out a solution – often before the tools were even available. They have also sourced the best quality and most applicable tools for these repairs worldwide.

Specialist Tools Australia’s primary workshop tools for difficult injector repair tools are:

Picture: Specialist Tools Australia

Number 1: Govoni Master Universal Injector Removal Kit GO405

This is a European tool provides a very flexible mounting system that will adjust to most engine applications. In limited space, mechadraulic or hydraulic rams – or just even just a spanner via the bearing-mounted puller nut.
This kit has adaptors for a variety of injectors with upgrades for more specific applications. The leverage that this system can provide is more than sufficient for any seized injector you are likely to encounter.   

Number 2: Govoni Injector washer remover GO512

Stuck Injector seat washer removal can be a problem in common rail diesels. The quality of this washer removal tool is superb. This works by expanding and locking into the centre hole of the washer. Using the integral slide hammer to remove the washer, it fits just about all later common rail injector seat washers and can be relied upon to remove even the most stubborn seized washers.

Picture: Specialist Tools Australia

Number 3: Govoni Diesel Injector Extractor Kit Injectors GO425

Designed for Bosch (2.1 l, 2.2 l), Delphi (3.Bosch (2.1 l, 2.2 l), Delphi (3.0) GO425, Mercedes Sprinters etc.

This tool is used when the injector is difficult to access and quite seized, and where disassembly of the injector is acceptable and required to remove it.

Picture: Specialist Tools Australia

This tool is place onto the cylinder head over the injector, with the injector solenoid removed. The injector is then drawn out using a centre pulling threaded adaptor. This is ideal when there is limited space for removal.

Number 4: Injector Seat Cutters SA-3636L

Common rail injectors which have been leaking at the seat washer should have the washer seat surface cleaned up carefully. This tool has been our most outstanding and comprehensive washer seat clean up tool set, fitting most injector washer seat sizes.

Picture: Specialist Tools Australia

Number 5: Slide Hammer Injector Removal Kit for Bosch SA-5167A 

This is the most versatile tool where the injector is not extremely tightly seized and access allows the included slide hammer to be used. Injectors can often be removed using the provided fork, without damage allowing for reuse.

Picture: Specialist Tools Australia

The tool fits many commonly found Bosch injectors and can be used without removing the cylinder head.  So, this is usually the first choice when attempting to remove Bosch magnet valve injectors.

You can find these and many other specialised tools here or for technical support call 02-62804334 or email

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