Features, Innovative Products

PROSAFE’s Durashield range protecting your digits

‘When the gloves are off’ is a popular saying that means the fight is well and truly on. However, if we use that expression in the workplace, it can have a very different meaning.

When the gloves are off in the workplace, all too many injuries occur. Forget all the excuses – ‘gloves get in the way of a good grip,’ ‘I can do a better job without gloves,’ ‘gloves make my hands sweaty and slippery’ – the simple fact is, when the gloves are on, less injuries occur.

Gloves F

“Injuries that are prevented or protected against when wearing the correct glove include cuts and lacerations caused by sharp materials and objects, back of hand impact ‘struck-by’ injuries from hammers, falling masonry and timber, and crushing or pinching injuries from machinery and equipment used in confined spaces,” Blackwoods Own Brand & Product Development Manager Nic Williams said.

Designed with the aid of the latest technology, PROSAFE’s new Durashield range of gloves provide a solution for workers who take the gloves-off approach to their jobs, even when they know the risks they are taking. Of course, all glove designers are continually looking at ways to produce products that offer stronger protection and higher cut resistance, but there is another feature that cannot be overlooked. In fact, this feature is the one that frequently determines if a worker will wear gloves.

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It is comfort. A glove that workers find comfortable is a glove they will wear consistently. PROSAFE Durashield Gloves have state-of-the-art linings and coatings that ensure comfort, protection, and dexterity. You can even use touchscreens and smart phones without taking your gloves off. “PROSAFE Durashield range of gloves is uniquely positioned to provide different types of protection that is comfortable to wear, all the while reducing the need for glove removal. It is also the first back of hand ‘Impact Protection’ glove added to the PROSAFE range,” Nic said.

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“The complete PROSAFE Durashield glove range has also been extensively tested and shown to have an increased resistance
to abrasions. It exceeds the highest performance level requirement, level four, which helps increase the useful lifespan of the glove and reducing the need for early replacements.” For more information visit blackwoods.com.au

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