Air filters, Automotive car products, Cabin filters, Filters

Ryco’s best in cabin air filters

Ryco cabin filters

The need to prevent cabin air filters from igniting after or during contact with hot embers, sparks or cigarette butts that may have been sucked in through the air intake during bushfire events is an ever-increasing concern.

Ryco’s N99 MicroShield Cabin Air Filters will protect drivers and passengers with its medical grade flame retardant media technology to filter out virus, bacteria, harmful exhaust gases and noxious odours from the air flow down to 0.3 microns or greater in size that can penetrate deeper into the respiratory system.

Ryco wants to remind drivers that ensuring your vehicle is ready for Australian summer conditions is crucial to driving safely, particularly if you find yourself having to go through smoke hazards. With a warmer and dryer summer compared to last year, it means that Australian drivers should consider a flame-retardant option now more than ever.

Tested in Australia’s only dedicated filtration laboratory to meet the harshest Australian conditions, the media on the N99 MicroShield Cabin Filter is designed to self-extinguish on removal of the flame, blackening the media but unable to sustain ignition or smouldering.

These Flame-Retardant Cabin Air Filters inhibit combustion when exposed to embers, sparks, or open flames. The media is impregnated with non-toxic fire-retardant resin to reduce the ability of the media to support combustion. The activated charcoal layer will stop chemical pollutants and smells which many cause nausea, fatigue, and headaches, from ever entering the cabin.

The range of Flame-Retardant Cabin Air Filters* supports vehicles with added protection where there is a risk of exposure to inhaling smoke or ignition sources in bush fire zones without compromising on flow or dust holding capacity.

So, when you want peace of mind for you and your passengers, Be Ryco Ready.

To find the right N99 Cabin Air Filter for your vehicle, use the rego or VIN search function here.

*Not all Ryco Cabin Air Filters come with flame retardant media. Check the ‘Tech Specs’ on the Ryco website to verify.


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