What to look for when you choose a new scan tool and four reasons to get a Carman i100.
I hear the question all the time “why is this tool any better than another?”. It’s a fair question.
You’re about to spend $2,000 to $8,000 on a tool and you deserve to know. It is generally answered ambiguously with things like “it has a comprehensive vehicle database” or “deep diagnostics”. Comprehensive? Compared to what and how deep is deep? Most people know the answer they’re going to hear before they’ve asked it.
Interequip would like to introduce you to the Carman i100 and answer that question honestly.
Reason number 1: what happens if I break a screen? The Carman i100 is a Windows-based tool. Interequip supplies it with the full program on a flash drive. If you break a screen, you can load it up on a laptop or buy your own Windows tablet. You’ll be up and running in a matter of minutes. It is supplied with a tough book which has 32GB storage expandable to 64GB. It can be purchased with the standard 8 inch or optioned up to 10 or 12 inch. It can be supplied with whatever tablet you like, whatever processor or memory you’d like.
Reason number 2: there is no need to go out of live data screen to capture peak values. All maximums and minimums on every one of the live data displays are captured in real time. So an intermittent problem can be captured while you are investigating. There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing a problem and missing it because you are in live view and not in recording mode. The Carman does it in both ways.
Reason number 3: want to know what’s triggering the Diagnostic trouble code? The Carman i100 has a dual live data screen and a live DTC screen up at the same time. You can see in real time what is triggering the DTC.
Reason number 4: overlay a good vehicle on top of the trouble vehicle. If you have a trouble vehicle you can capture and store a known good vehicle and compare it to the trouble child. Any value which doesn’t correspond to the good vehicle is instantly shown up in red. This feature is available on live data screen and record mode in any driving condition. The live DTC screen can also be used here too.
So you can quickly scroll down and view only the red values and see when a DTC is triggered. Capturing a known good vehicle takes about 10 seconds so you can very quickly build your own database.
The Carman i100 is available for less than $3500 GST inclusive or packaged with an Autel tool for under $5,000.
For more information send an email at info@interequip.com.au