Smart Solutions

Why Quality Makes a Difference

Driving customer loyalty for garage owners with OSRAM OE quality Halogen and Xenon automotive globes.

Light for longer’ is a term OSRAM have used for many years; ultimately you will get ‘light’ from your headlights for ‘longer’ when you choose and fit OSRAM original equipment quality globes. This in turn results in complete customer satisfaction. For garage owners, OSRAM original equipment quality halogen and xenon automotive globes can offer:
• Longer life
• Fewer failures
• Greater customer satisfaction

You know the problem: you supplied and fitted non-OE globes to your customer car and not long afterwards, they are back complaining that the globes have dimmed or are no longer working. This is bad for your customer and bad for your garage’s reputation.

Imagine a different scenario: you recommend OSRAM OE quality halogen or xenon globes, because they are safer, brighter and last longer. Your customer recognises your desire to offer excellent quality products and great customer service and recommends your garage to their friends on social media and by word of mouth. Nice!

Specifying OSRAM OE globes will help to make your customers happy, driving customer loyalty and increasing customer satisfaction. Why? Here are the facts:

Unlike non-OE globes, with OSRAM original equipment quality you and your customers can be confident that you do not need to worry about the lifetime of the globe, lumen maintenance or the vibration resistance.

What’s more, OSRAM’s genuine OE quality conforms to higher overall product standards than required by law, so you can avoid the hassle of filling out potential warranty claims.

In more than 110 years, OSRAM has become the world market leader in automotive lighting and a valued and trusted partner of the world’s foremost automobile manufacturers. More than 50 per cent of cars globally already have OSRAM original equipment globes fitted on the production line from the factory. OSRAM are continually improving their products, and as a supplier to original equipment manufacturers (OEM), they maintain a rigorous quality-testing program, so that the right product is always close at hand for our customers, year after year.

Through OSRAM’s Australian stockist partners and distributors, drivers can enjoy the satisfaction of longer-lasting, brighter performance globes for the lifetime of their car ownership.

Fit OSRAM original equipment for complete customer satisfaction.

For more information on OSRAM OE globes visit The full range of OSRAM ORIGINAL OE and performance upgrade globes are available from Brown & Watson.

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